Refund Policy

Fees and Refunds Policy

In accordance with the applicable legislation Train Now is entitled to charge fees for services provided to students undertaking a course of study. These charges are generally for items such as course materials or textbooks, student services and training and assessment services.

Payment of fees:
Business to Business clients are provided with a quote for courses – please refer to the current schedule of fees and prices. They will be invoiced after the course has completed.

Participants who have difficulties in paying by the due date are encouraged to contact Train Now accounting to arrange an alternative payment option.

Fees and Charges
The Chief Executive officer is responsible for approving the Train Now Fees and Charges. As a minimum the Fees and charges is to include:

Fee Collection / payment plans
Payment of no more than $1,500 must not be collected from each individual student prior to the commencement of the course.

Regarding payment plans – Monies for an individual student will not exceed $1500 at any given time.

Flexible payment arrangements/ options will accommodate individual circumstances.

Fees must be paid in full before certification will be issued

If payment instalment / arrangements is in place, and a payment becomes overdue and remains unpaid for a period in excess of 14 days, Train Now reserves the right to suspend the students learning or assessment (or both) until all fee payments are up-to-date.

Flexible payment arrangements, such as instalments, credit card, and direct debit, cheque and EFT remittance are acceptable to accommodate the diverse financial situations of students.

Replacement of text and training workbooks
Students who require replacement of issued text or training workbooks will be liable for additional charges to cover the cost of replacement.

Where a student has purchased a text or training workbooks and subsequently cancels his or her enrolment, Train Now will not refund monies for the text unless a written request for a refund is received and we are satisfied that the text is in as-new condition. For a full list of replacement charges please refer to the Train Now Schedule of Fees and Charges.

Giving notice of enrolment cancellation
A student who wishes to cancel their enrolment must give notice in writing. This may be via email or letter. Train Now staff who are approached with initial notice of cancellation are to ensure the student understands their rights with regards to the refunding of fees. The student is also to be advised of other options such as suspending the enrolment and re-commencing
in another scheduled training program.

Students who give written notice to cancel their enrolment and who are eligible for a refund are to be provided with a “Refund Request Form”. Student who may not be eligible but are requesting a refund should also be provided with the request form so the request can be properly considered by the Chief Executive Officer.

The following refund policy will apply:

Train Now will provide a refund to the student within 14 days of receipt of Application for
Refund form.

The refundable amount will be the total tuition fee paid less 75%, if application form is received 28 days or less prior to the commencement of the program.

In the event that Train Now terminate the arrangement or fails to provide the agreed services a full refund will be made.

No Refund
Train Now will make no refund of any fees if “Application for refund form” is received after the commencement of training.

Discretion may be exercised by the Chief Executive Officer in all situations if the student can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to their withdrawal. In these cases, the student should be offered a full credit toward the tuition fee in another scheduled program in-lieu of a refund. The Chief Executive Officer may also authorise a refund
of tuition fees if in her/his opinion the circumstances require it.

Where refunds are approved the refund payment must be paid to the student within 14 days from the time the student gave written notice to cancel their enrolment. Tuition refunds are to be paid via electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account nominated by the student on the Refund Request Form.

Note. If for any reason Train Now is unable to fulfil its service agreement with a student, Train Now must refund the student’s proportion of fees paid for services not delivered.

Protecting fees being paid in advance:

Discretion may be exercised by the Chief Executive Officer in all situations if the student can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to their withdrawal. In these cases, the student should be offered a full credit toward the tuition fee in another scheduled program in-lieu of a refund. The Chief Executive Officer may also authorise a refund
of tuition fees if in her/his opinion the circumstances require it.

Where refunds are approved the refund payment must be paid to the student within 14 days from the time the student gave written notice to cancel their enrolment. Tuition refunds are to be paid via electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account nominated by the student on the Refund Request Form.

Note. If for any reason Train Now is unable to fulfil its service agreement with a student, Train Now must refund the student’s proportion of fees paid for services not delivered.

Train Now acknowledges that it has a responsibility to protect the fees paid by students in advance of their training and assessment services being delivered. To meet our responsibilities Train Now will only accept payment of up to $1,500 from each individual student prior to the commencement of the course.

Following the course commencement Train Now may require payment of additional fees in scheduled payments in advance from the student but only such that, at any given time, the total amount required to be paid does not exceed $1,500.

The basis for determining the amount for scheduled payment must be the costs of the student’s training and assessment which is yet to be delivered to the student.

Keeping students informed
To ensure that students are well informed of the financial considerations of their enrolment Train Now undertakes to provide the following fee information to each student prior to enrolment:

Student complaints about fees or refunds
Students who are unhappy with Train Now arrangements for the collection and refunding of tuition fees are entitled to lodge a complaint. This should occur in accordance with Train Now complaints policy and procedure under Administration section.

Changes to agreed services
Train Now will advise the student as soon as practical of any changes to the agreement this may include; involvement of any new third party arrangements or a change in ownership or changes to existing third party arrangements.

Additional Fees
The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.

RPL Recognition for qualifications up to and including Certificate III will incur a cost of $200per unit +GST

Recognition for Certificate IV will incur a cost of $250 per unit +GST

Recognition for Diploma and Higher will incur a cost of $350 per unit +GST
Replacement of text or learning materialAt cost
Replacement of Certificate or SOA $35
Re-assessment After third attempt$200

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